SAS2006 Proceedings Editorial Schedule
(subject to change)
last update July 18, 2006

Editorial Procedure

last update: July 18, 2006

1. Submission will be terminated at 24:00GST, July 29, 2006.

2. Submitted papers will be assigned to one of the Guest Co-Editors. He will choose two referees and communicate with them via e-mail. In the communication, the following information will be given to each referee (by the end of August, 2006) :

(a) URL of the submitted paper for review.
(b) Instructions to review and to report his/her comments.

3. The referee will work on reviewing and report his/her comments to the corresponding Guest Co-Editors by the deadline given in each case. The first round of reviewing is terminated by no later than Sept. 30, 2006. A second reviewing may be required for revised papers (revision to be made within one month).

4. Guest Co-Editors will make a decision on each paper by discussing with Editor of JAC (Prof. Kostorz) and with Guest Editor (Prof. Shibayama).

5. Acceptance will be informed by Guest Co-Editor who will give instructions to authors for final upload.

SAS2006 Editors:

back raw, from left to right:
Prof. Stuhrmann, Dr. Allen, and
Prof. Hashimoto (observer),

front raw, from left to right:
Prof. Shibayama, Prof. Chen, and
Prof. Kostorz