One Point Math 講座 (One point Math)

最終更新日:/2024.3.26 (last update)


In the process of studying scattering and physics, I have compiled a list of formulas and theories that I thought were important to know and that I should include in my memorandum. I have tried to summarize them in a compact and easy-to-understand (?) format. I hope you will feel free to read it as it is a collection of short comments and some one-point lectures. I hope you will find it useful. (First release: 2023.4.25)

第1部 物理数学 (Part 1 physical mathematics)

1. 波と複素数(wave and complex number)

2.フーリエ変換(Fourier transform)

3.1. ベクトル解析1: ベクトル場の微分 (vector analysis: Differentiation of vector fields) Updated(2024.3.26)!

3.2. ベクトル解析2: ベクトル場の積分 (vector analysis:Integral of a vector field) Updated(2024.3.26)!

4. グリーン関数 (Green function)

5. 散乱の量子論 (quantum theory of scattering)

6. 設問の解 (answer)

7. Fermi疑似ポテンシャル(Ferimi's pseudopotential)

8. シュレーディンガー方程式(Schroedinger equation) Updated(2023.11.30)!

9. 解析力学とハミルトニアン(Analytical mechanics and Hamiltonian) Updated(2023.12.1)!

10. スピン(spin) Updated(2023.12.7)!

     スピンから水素の散乱長、散乱断面積までを概説 (Overview of spin to hydrogen scattering lengths and scattering cross sections)

第2部 散乱理論 (Part 2 scattering theory)

1. 1次元フーリエ変換(one dimensional Fourier transform)

2. 3次元フーリエ変換(3D Fourier Transform) 球(sphere)

3. ギニエ則(Guinier law)

4. Porod(ポロド)則

5. 3次元フーリエ変換(3D Fourier Transform) 棒(rod)

6. バビネの原理(Babinet Principle)

7. 散乱のインバリアント(scattering invariant)

8. 高分子鎖の散乱(polymer chain scattering)

9. 揺らぎからの散乱(Ornstein-Zernike function)

10. 非粒子系からの散乱 (scattering from nonparticular systems)